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Showing posts from 2017

Starting with Starting of Universe

Today,I will disuss about how this universe started evolving According to our Sanatan Dharam .What is the connection of brahama ji to this process?????. Also at that time which sutra is developed which would help to cure several dangerous diseases which connected to evovling process of shristi(universe). So At the starting there was nothing no human,no truth,no night,no day .This shristi was the andhbudh of Brahma Ji its the cause that it named universe "Brahmand".Also if we saw planets is in oval ,also it revolves on path which is also in oval shape and it is also possible that may our universe represent the shape of oval. According to the ancient story of universe which was written 83 sukt of rigved that at one time there is nothing no human,no truth,no night,no day but there was one thing was present in vaccum which was taking breath due to its energy (According to science universe starts evolve due to explosion). According to Brahamand Puran Brahma Ji make this Univers

Intro -Science Unveil

Science unveil in this series of blog.I uesd to describe this world about the science behind the various HINDU rituals ,purans,practices,etc.Yes ,that rituals and customs that called to be "Andhvishwass".But these practices are lay on the deep sense of science . Not only unveiling also how this science only uses its body and easily available resources to develop this ancient sciences in purans and vedas.In these books a brief contents of QUANTAM PHYSICS were explained. So not only read but also the involve  rituals and practices of whatever religion you belive.Because in my sense our religion practices were made carefulling by mainly for that geographical location,etc. for better human life प्रेम से कहिये जय श्री राधे